Monday, October 17, 2011


We did it!  We finished our 4th marathon yesterday in Detroit.  Chris had his 3rd best time and I had my 4th.  Not that we are really out there for speed, but a PB would have been nice.  We did accomplish what we set out there to do and that is finish. 

For a while there I thought I had 4:17 in the bag.  I would have beat my best time by 5 minutes.  Legs felt great; energy was good, but then I had to make a break for a pit stop at mile 17.5.  I tried to get back on pace, only having lost 2 minutes I still would make my best time.  Feeling good I took off, but it didn't last.  I crashed on Belle Isle at mile marker 19.  The legs just didn't want to run any more.  I watched the 4:20 pace group pass me and I thought I could get it going again; nope. Then the 4:25 group passed, and then another, and then another.  I never recouped.  I did manage to muster enough strength to jog the last .2 miles across the finish line and finish in 4:42.

Even with my worst ever results there is no way to be disappointed when you finish a marathon.  To know that you accomplished something that most never will is still a crazy high.  I am a little sad that the training is coming to an end, for now, but I am anxious to select the next event and get going again.  The commitment, the determination, and the time training with my husband all make the pain of the 26.2 miles worth it.

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