Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Farmers Market Delight, Zucchini

So much zucchini, but what to do with it?  Fried zucchini?  Delightful, but fried.  Grilled zuke? Awesome, but I am grilled out.  Zucchini fritters?  My mom makes the best so why even try to top perfection.

Here's a super easy, equally impressive zucchini recipe.
Printable Version

2 large farmers market zucchini (or home grown.  I am still waiting for mine)
1/3 cup freshly grated Italian cheese
2/3 cup Panko bread crumbs
salt (light on the salt, especially if your cheese is salty)
garlic powder
freshly ground black pepper
olive oil

Heat oven to 400.  Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Mix the cheese bread crumbs and spices in a mixing bowl.
Slice the zucchini into 1/4-1/2" rounds
Sprinkle both sides of the zucchini with olive oil
Dredge the zuke through your breadcrumb mix.  Pat on to get more to stick
Line your cookie sheet with zucchini and bake for 40 minutes.

Serve hot or at room temperature.
You can also serve with a side of red sauce for dunking or make a fresh tomato topping to serve like bruschetta.

Happy eats!

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