Friday, October 18, 2013

Harry Potter Booger Juice

Mornings at our house are super busy and difficult to manage.  Who am I kidding?  Mornings, afternoons and evenings are tough.  This one will eat this.  This one won't eat that.  Did our daughter eat breakfast before she left?  You can't wear shorts it's 30 below zero!!!  You can't eat cake for breakfast!  Yes, you can eat cake for breakfast - but not JUST cake.

Try to balance nutrition in between this all - are you kidding me?  Here's a juice recipe I made up a few weeks ago.  It has every vital nutritional color represented which makes for a disgusting green sludge when it's all mixed up.  Despite the gross look it is delicious and you don't have to worry if your kids (or hubby or you) won't eat another fruit or veggie that day.  Pair this with some form protein, say an egg or lowfat cheese and you are good to go.

Printable Version
1 cup purple grapes ( I know they call them red in the store, but look at them.  They are purple.)
1 peeled orange
1 banana
8 strawberries (they must be fresh, not frozen)
1 large handful baby carrots
1 giant handful baby spinach

Blend all of the above ingredients in a mixer to make room

Add 1 cup ice

Blend again until smooth

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