Friday, December 20, 2013

To Do or Not To Do That is the Question

How is it that some people get so much farther ahead than others?  Some executives complete endless projects while some make projects endless. Some moms and dads get breakfast made, kids clothed, school bags packed, 2 loads of laundry done, kitchen cleaned up, grocery shopping complete and all of the errands run, all before 1:00 when others are just getting started at 1:00.

It would be easy to say, they have more help, they have better genes, magic worker fairies secretly appear
and get stuff done for them.  Here's their real secret.  Are you ready?  They make To-Do lists.  Successful people set goals and put them in writing and the majority of them make daily To-Do lists.

Why create daily To-Do lists?

  1. To prioritize what you focus your time on.
  2. To eliminate procrastination.
  3. To be the driver of your own bus
  4. To achieve more of your goals.
Knowing this, but not diligent about doing it EVERY day myself I went searching for a To-Do app for my iPad.  I read a review from Lifehack and went with their top pick.  Instantly I was in love with their pick  It has everything you could want
  1. It's free
  2. It's simple
  3. It's visual
  4. It sends you rewards for using the app
  5. And does this (I don't even know what to call it, but I love it)
Happiness is an app calling you gorgeous every day.  The message changes throughout the day:  "Good morning Gorgeous", "Good day Princess".  A girl could get used to getting spoiled by her app.  It just makes me smile and  makes me want to use the To-Do list.

Is one of your resolutions to get more stuff done? 

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