I am frequently asked for recommendation and often reply "anything from John Maxwell or Patrick Lencioni". On the flip side, I am offered so many title selections that my: "to read" list stretches from Detroit to Kalamazoo (inside joke with my daughter).
Oh, whatever shall I read next? Books leap to the top of my "to read" list when
they are repeatedly referred to. Maybe someone recommends it and then I see it quoted in an article and then it is mentioned in an interview. Bam! It goes straight to the top of the list. That's why I was excited to read Maxwell's most recent book, Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn. While not a great fan of this book what I like most about it is that is broken down into 11 areas of learning
1. Humility
2. Reality
3. Responsibility
4. Improvement
5. Hope
6. Teachability
7. Adversity
8. Problems
9. Bad Experiences
10. Change
11. Maturity
Each one of these chapters can be read on it's own instead of taking on the entire book at once.

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
While there were some great nuggets in this book, there is nothing new or original. In fact, the author spends most of his time quoting others. The title could be "Everything Everyone Else Said About Learning".
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