Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fuel Your Brain and Fuel Your Body

Make it a habit fuel your brain and fuel your body and you will find that you can do just about anything.  If you are starting to think about a new you for the new year I certainly recommend looking here.  Running and reading have been two major contributors to my success.

Fuel your brain by reading.  Choose books and magazines that are motivational or educational.  I know that we are all time crunched.  Let me help you with this.  If you read 2-5 pages a day you can complete most books in 8 weeks and 6 in a year.  You can find the time to squeek in 2-5 pages can't you?

Fuel your body by running. Training for marathons has done more for me than just get me in shape.  The benefits carried over in all areas of my life; helping me to become more disciplined, more confident, and providing me with the energy I need for my extremely busy life.  Sticking to the schedule; knowing that if I skip a run I won't reach my goal and learning that the only person I have to beat is myself are two great lessons from this experience. 

You have to ask yourself, what good is skill if you don't have the energy to do the job?  We need some type of physical exercise, a healthy diet, and a good night's sleep to keep our energy levels where we need them for peak performance. 

I love this message from Will Smith who just so happens to agree with me.

Three keys to help you: free, fun, and friends.

FREE -Find out what you enjoy before you make a costly investment.  You can start fueling your energy by stepping out your front door and taking a walk; it costs absolutely nothing.  If that's not your thing look for "next to free" sports equipment on Craig's List or Ebay.
Fuel up your brain at your local library.  You can find books, magazines, videos, and recordings at no cost.

FUN - If you're not enjoying it chances are that you won't stick with it.  Choose activities and material that keep your interest.  My favorite "fun" authors for business are Patrick Lencioni and Jon Gordon.  They both write business lessons as fables that are easy to read and memorable.

FRIENDS - You might let yourself off the hook, but your friend won't.  Get an exercise buddy or start a reading group.  When you make the commitment to others you'll find that you're more likely to follow through on it.

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