Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Law of 5

I joined a fantastic webinar last night hosted by John Maxwell.  You may have seen some of the excerpts I tweeted #15lawsofgrowth.  I can't wait to go pick up this book, but I don't have to wait until I read it to get started.  John shared several of the laws and the one that struck a cord with me was the Law of 5's. Here's a link to his book. 

What 5 things do you need to do every day to reach your goals? To achieve your dreams?  To grow?
It makes sense, right?  To commit to 5 things done daily, as long as they aren't Words With Friends and Bejeweled Blitz, should lead to consistency and consistency leads to achievement and achievement leads to growth. whew!

I am working on my 5.  Here is what I have so far:
  1. Run (no surprises there)
  2. Read
  3. Write
  4. Connect
I am stuck on number 5.  Any suggestions?
What are your 5?

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