Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 3 - Losing 6 Pounds in 2 Weeks

We are never so much disposed to quarrel with others as when we are dissatisfied with ourselves.”  ~ William Hazlitt

We are always our toughest critics.  When starting any weightloss endeavor you must have a goal and a timeline that are reasonable and you must cut yourself some slack in the middle.  Day 3 has not been my best day, but I am not going to sweat it.  I was thrown off of my game by a snow day - the 7th snow day this season - and I had a fun day with the kids and got to try out a new recipe.  Not the best day for moving me towards my goal, but still a fantastic day.

Here are my measurements using the 4 Keys to Successful Weight Management

Day 3

Sustenance - fuel

Breakfast -2 pecan waffles
Snack       -6 dried apricots
Lunch      -Starbuck's reduced fat coffee cake
                  Grande non-fat latte
Snack      -CT's spicy V8
Dinner     -Chicken Thighs with Harissa Chick Peas
                  Couscous (1/2 cup)
                 Roasted asparagus (6 stalks)  

Sweat - exercise

mall walking

Sip - hydration

16 ounces water
16 ounces coffee (bad)

Slumber - sleep

8 hours, well rested

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