Friday, November 30, 2012

P90X 30 Day Results!

When a friend asked if I wanted to join him and a friend in P90X I didn't really know what it was except an intense workout system.  It was about 1 week before the Grand Rapids Marathon and I was feeling like although I was running 50 miles a week to get ready for the race I didn't look as fit as I should.  When I would put on my running shorts there would be this bulge over the elastic waistline. Hate it! Hate it! Hate it!

Today was day 30.  I am the exact same weight as the day I started and I am totally celebrating that fact. In that time I have had 2 fancy schmancy work party dinners and then, of course, there was Thanksgiving and all of the yummy delights that go with that feast.  Being at  the exact same weight after all of that I feel that I am ahead.

The weight's the same, but my body's not.  I am already starting to see abs (yay!) and when I make a muscle I make a muscle!  These positive signs are so worth getting up in the morning and pushing play!

Lessons from the first 90 days of P90X
  1. You can do anything for 30 seconds.
  2. You can't do everything, but if you keep trying eventually you can do one, then two, then . . .
  3. Red wine the night before plyometrics is not a good idea.
  4. Chocolate Shakeology is best with cherries, almond milk, and vanilla.
  5. You can get the best body you've ever had over 40.
Are you thinking about your New Year's Resolutions?

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