Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Reduce Stress This Holiday Season

I work in retail so I see first hand how stressed out people can be during the holiday season. Our To-Do lists get bigger and bigger and the days are still only 24 hours long.  Here are some tips to help you get through it.

  1. Make time for good nutrition and exercise.  When your body isn't fueled up properly you can feel more stressed.  Stay away from sweets and make sure to make exercise a priority.  Don't hold off until the New Year; get going now.  When you attend holiday parties, enjoy the people instead of the treats.
  2. Take a gratitude walk.  Exercise is one of the greatest stress reducers and, according to Jon Gordon, it's impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same time.  As you go for a walk make a mental list of all the things in your life that you appreciate.
  3. Volunteer or donate. There are so many groups and individuals who need help this year. Raise your spirits and theirs by giving.  
  4. Make lists.  Write down everything you need to do and then prioritize the list.  This is about efficiency, not memory, but it can't hurt there either.  Lists can help get things done in the proper order.  For example: create invitations, send invitations, prepare menu, make grocery list, etc.  There is a proper order to get these done efficiently.  Lists can also keep you from running all over town or from wandering throughout the mall aimlessly.  Write down what you need to shop for.  Next to the items write down the most likely place you will shop for the item and then number your list in the most efficient way to shop for the items by location.

Shopping Route
Ugg Slippers
Running Shorts
Dick’s  Sporting Goods
Yoga pants
Victoria’s Secret

Keep a smile on your face and always remember 'tis the season to be jolly. 

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