Today is an 8 mile run day. Why cut back on the miles? To prepare you for next Sunday's 13 miler. It's the trial run. Some say you don't need to get in a 13 mile run before running a half. If you want to swap that day out for 10 miles, go ahead. Most full marathon training schedules only go to a 20 miler, but I feel that if you are feeling good then go for it - and time it. It will give you that much more satisfaction for completing your 1/2 marathon in a couple of weeks AND for setting a new personal best on that day. The adrenaline, crowd energy, and co-runners will push you faster than you run in your training runs. Guaranteed!
This week: (days 47-53)
Monday - off
Tuesday - 3 miles
Wednesday - 5 miles
Thursday - off
Friday - 4 miles
Saturday - 2 miles
Sunday - 13 miles (don't worry if you walk most of this. Try to run as much as you can)
A peek ahead to next week: (days 54-60)
Monday - off
Tuesday - 2 miles
Wednesday - 4 miles
Thursday - off
Friday - 4 miles
Saturday - 2 miles
Sunday - 8 miles (don't worry if you walk most of this. Try to run as much as you can)
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